15 3285 5120 l

Quimifol Maxihun Organo



Potassium (K2O) 5,00% (56,00 g/L)
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 6,00% (67,20 g/L)

Water-soluble contents

Product Registration: SP-002645-0.000012
Class A Organic Mineral Fertilizer for Foliar Application and Soil Application
Physical Nature: Suspension
Density: 1,12 g/cm3


Crops Dosages Recommendations
Annuals such as soybeans, corn, beans, etc. 20 L/ha Application in pre-sowing, with wet soil
Perennials such as coffee, citrus, vines, etc. 20 L/ha Applications every 45 days, in the period of maximum vegetative growth, always with moist soil
Sugarcane 20 to 40 L/ha Apply in the planting furrow or after cutting the ratoon, always with moist soil
Directed jet 10 L/ha Application in pre-sowing, always with moist soil


Crops Dosages Recommendations
Annuals such as soybeans, corn, beans, etc. 2.0 to 4.0 L/ha Biweekly applications
Perennials such as coffee, citrus, vines, etc. 2.0 to 4.0 L/ha Monthly applications
Sugarcane 3.0 to 5.0 L/ha Apply when the crop reaches a height of 1,5 m
Produce and Ornamentals 1.0 to 2.0 L/ha Biweekly applications

Highest solute/solvent ratio: 3.0 L / 100 L
Recommended dosages should be adjusted to the different cultivated genetic materials.


Increasingly advanced production systems demand more effective products, capable of influencing the growing environment, allowing genetic materials to express their real productive potential, overcoming the barriers that the environment provides.

Quimifol Maxihun Organo is a highly stable organo-mineral fertilizer developed by Fênix Agro to meet the requirements of modern agriculture as a source of Potassium and Organic Carbon from Leonardite, a compound rich in humic substances (humic acids and fulvic acids), which provide subsidies to improve the cultivation environment and favor the stimulus for plants to express all their real production capacity.

The current market, increasingly demanding, is selective in relation to the quality of agricultural products, and the balanced management that Quimifol Maxihun Organo offers, provides greater conditions to obtain these results.


  • with suitable sprayers, apply the solution correctly trying to make an uniform coverage on the crop;
  • spraying during the hottest hours of the day should be avoided;
  • the best results are obtained using flow rates above 200 L/ha;
  • do not pre-mix, the products must be added directly to the spray solution;
  • store the product in a cool, dry and ventilated place, protected from sunlight;
  • exclusive use as fertilizer.